3. Telephone512 To page a handset, enter its extensionnumber ({1} to {4}).To page all handsets, press {0}.L If you do not wish to announce thetransfer, skip to step 4.3 Wait for the paged party to answer.L If the paged party does not answer, press{LINE1} or {LINE2} that is flashing toreturn to the outside call.4 To complete the transfer, press {SP-PHONE}.Note:L Even if you call all handsets, only the handsetuser who answers first can take thetransferred call.To answer a transferred call with thehandset:– If the paging party announces thetransfer, the calling extension will bedisplayed. Press {TALK} or {SP-PHONE} toanswer the page.L After the paging party hangs up the call,you can talk to the outside caller.– If the paging party hangs up before youanswer the page, “Incoming call” willbe displayed. Press {TALK}, {SP-PHONE},or {LINE1} (soft key) or {LINE2} (soft key) forthe called line to take the transferred call.3.16 Conference CallsL Keep the front cover page open for buttonlocations.3.16.1 Conference call with 2outside callsWhile you are talking with an outside caller, youcan make or answer a second call on the otherline, and then combine the calls to establish aconference call.Handset1. During a call, press {HOLD/INTERCOM} 2times to put the first call on hold.2. To make or answer a second call, select theother line by pressing {LINE1} (soft key) or{LINE2} (soft key).3. When the second call is connected, press{CONF} (soft key) to make a conference call.L To hang up both lines, press {OFF}.L To hang up only one line, press {LINE1} (softkey) or {LINE2} (soft key) for the party withwhich you want to continue talking.L To put both lines on hold, press{HOLD/INTERCOM}.To talk with only one caller, press {LINE1}(soft key) or {LINE2} (soft key) for the partywith which you want to continue talking. Toresume both lines, press {CONF} (soft key).Base unit1. During a call, press {HOLD} to put the firstcall on hold.2. To make or answer a second call, select theother line by pressing {LINE1} or {LINE2}.3. When the second call is connected, press{CONF} to make a conference call.L To hang up both lines, press {SP-PHONE}.L To hang up only one line, press {LINE1} or{LINE2} for the party with which you want tocontinue talking.L To put both lines on hold, press {HOLD}. Totalk with only one caller, press {LINE1} or{LINE2}. To resume both lines, press{CONF}.Note:L You cannot call another extension to make aconference call.To join the conference call from otherextensions, press {LINE1} (soft key) or{LINE2} (soft key) on the handset or {LINE1}or {LINE2} on the base unit. One moreDuring a transferL If you do not announce the transfer andthe paged party does not answer within 60seconds after you hang up, your extensionwill ring and the call will be returned toyour phone. You can speak to the calleragain by pressing {LINE1} (soft key) or{LINE2} (soft key) on the handset or{LINE1} or {LINE2} on the base unit.When answering the call again, you mayalso transfer the caller to the telephoneanswering machine (page 69).If you still do not answer the call within 4minutes, the call will be disconnected.