• The System Manager password cannot be reset here. The System Administrator can resetthe System Manager password using Web Maintenance Console.• After the password is reset, if the System Administrator has set "Default Password for NewMailboxes" to "Enable", the password will be set to the default password. If set to "Disable",the mailbox will have no password.Setting Class of Service (COS) ParametersA Class of Service (COS) defines the set of system services available to the mailboxes assigned to it. Thereare 66 Classes of Service; they can be assigned to mailboxes by the System Administrator using WebMaintenance Console or by the System Manager using a telephone. COS No. 65 and No. 66 are assigned bydefault to the Message Manager and the System Manager respectively.• If the Unified Messaging system is being programmed via Web Maintenance Console, theSystem Manager cannot set COS parameters. The system will announce, "Sorry, thisfunction is not available".To set COS parametersFollow the steps detailed below to set the following Class of Service parameters:Log in to the SystemManager’s mailbox.Enter 52.25 class ofservice no.Enter the class ofservice number (1–66).Follow system promptsand set eachparameter below.Parameters StepsPersonal Greeting Length*11.1 to change the greeting length.2to accept the current setting, then go to the next parameter.2. Enter the greeting length (1–360 s).3.2 to accept.New Message RetentionTime 1.1 to change the retention time.2to accept the current setting, then go to the next parameter.2. Enter the retention time (a maximum of 30 days or 0: Unlimited).3.2 to accept.Saved Message RetentionTime 1.1 to change the retention time.2to accept the current setting, then go to the next parameter.2. Enter the retention time (a maximum of 30 days or 0: Unlimited).3.2 to accept.284 User Manual2.2.1 System Manager Features