- 85 -- 84 -8112h: Internal DC voltage• $R: Internal DC voltage reading request commandReceived data (Host → Amplifier)SOH STX $ R 8 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 ETX BCCAmplifier ID Host ID Command Data number Data value• Enter request for sending after execution of this command, the internal DC voltage(voltage in smoothing capacitor of power supply) of the amplifier is answered.• Set ‘0000’ in data value.• #R: Internal DC voltage response commandTransmission data (Amplifier → Host)SOH STX # R 8 1 1 2 D1 D2 D3 D4 ETX BCCHost ID Amplifier ID Command Data number Data value• When the amplifier receives request for sending after normal completion of internalDC voltage reading command, internal DC voltage (voltage in smoothing capacitor ofpower supply) is answered.• Voltage of amplifier is answered in [V] for data value.e.g.) Data value = 30h 31h 31h 38h = ‘0118’ = 280 [V]8113h: Torque, 8114h: Load factor• $R: Torque reading request commandReceived data (Host → Amplifier)SOH STX $ R 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 ETX BCCAmplifier ID Host ID Command Data number Data value• Enter request for sending after execution of this command, torque of amplifier (‘8113’)and load factor (‘8114’) are answered.• Set ‘0000’ in data value.• #R: Torque response commandTransmission data (Amplifier → Host)SOH STX # R 8 1 1 D1 D2 D3 D4 ETX BCCHost ID Amplifier ID Command Data number Data value• When the amplifier receives request for sending after normal completion of torquereading request command, torque (‘8113’) and load factor (‘8114’) are answered.• Torque of amplifier/Load factor multiplied by 10 is answered in [%] for data value.e.g.) Data value = 30h 31h 32h 43h = ‘012C’ = 30.0 [%]8104h: Model code 1, 8105h: Model code 2• $R: Model code reading request commandReceived data (Host → Amplifier)SOH STX $ R 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 ETX BCCAmplifier ID Host ID Command Data number Data value• Enter request for sending after execution of this command, model code of amplifier isanswered.• Set ‘0000’ in data value.• #R: Model code response commandTransmission data (Amplifier → Host)SOH STX # R 8 1 0 D1 D2 D3 D4 ETX BCCHost ID Amplifier ID Command Data number Data value• When the amplifier receives request for sending after completion of model codereading request command, the model code value is answered.• Model name of the amplifier is sent in ASCII code of total 8 characters, consisting of4 characters respectively.e.g.) Model code 1 (‘8104’) = 4Dh 42h 4Dh 50h = ‘MBMP’Model code 2 (‘8105’) = 33h 41h 31h 45h = ‘3A1E’8110h: Rotation speed (actual speed), 8111h: Commanded speed• $R: Speed reading request commandReceived data (Host → Amplifier)SOH STX $ R 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 ETX BCCAmplifier ID Host ID Command Data number Data value• Rotation speed of amplifier (actual speed) (‘8110’) and commanded speed (‘8111’)are answered by request for sending after execution of this command.• Set ‘0000’ in data value.• #R: Speed response commandTransmission data (Amplifier → Host)SOH STX # R 8 1 1 D1 D2 D3 D4 ETX BCCHost ID Amplifier ID Command Data number Data value• When the amplifier receives request for sending after normal completion of speedreading request command, rotation speed value (actual speed value) (‘8110’) andcommanded speed value (‘8111’) are answered.• Data value is answered in rotation speed (actual speed) and commanded speed in [r/min].e.g.) Data value = 30h 42h 42h 38h = ‘0BBB’ = 3000 [r/min]Data value = 30h 35h 44h 43h = ‘05DC’ = 1500 [r/min]The value shall be positive at CCW rotation and negative at CW rotation.Communication