Object list COMPAX CANopenMapping-Parameter receiving PDO1 (R-PDO1)206.7.3 Mapping-Parameter receiving PDO1 (R-PDO1)This entry contains information about the data to be received on this PDO (mapping).Sub-index 0 contains the number of mapped objects.A maximum of 5 objects with a total length of 8 bytes can be mapped.All other indices contain the index, sub-index and the length of the individual objects.After Power on, the object CONTROL WORD is automatically entered.P139 and P140 can be used to define two other objects which are entered after Power on.Object DescriptionIndex 0x1600Standard Length - Min -Object code Array Elements 5 Max -Data type - Access rights - PDO mapping noNumber of entriesIndex: subindex 0x1600:000Standard 0x01 Length 1 Min 0x00Object code - Elements - Max 0x05Data type Unsigned8 Access rights read/write PDO mapping noPDO mapping entry of the first object (links, MSB) (R-PDO1) (0x6040: Index of control word)Index: subindex 0x1600:001Standard 0x60400010 Length 4 Min 0x00000000Object code - Elements - Max 0xFFFFFFFFData type Unsigned32 Access rights read/write PDO mapping noPDO mapping entry (R-PDO1)Index: subindex 0x1600:002Standard Value fromP139Length 4 Min 0x00000000Object code - Elements - Max 0xFFFFFFFFData type Unsigned32 Access rights read/write PDO mapping noPDO mapping entry (R-PDO1)Index: subindex 0x1600:003Standard Value fromP140Length 4 Min 0x00000000Object code - Elements - Max 0xFFFFFFFFData type Unsigned32 Access rights read/write PDO mapping noData DescriptionThe structure of each mapping entry is:Index Sub-index Lengthxxx xx xxExample6040 00 10Index of control word Subindex = 00 Length 2 bytes