WARNING!If you continue operating the vehicle whenthe Transmission Temperature Warning Lightis illuminated you could cause the fluid to boilover, come in contact with hot engine orexhaust components and cause a fire.• Air Suspension Payload ProtectionTelltale — If EquippedThis telltale will turn on to indicatethat the maximum payload mayhave been exceeded or load level-ing cannot be achieved at its cur-rent ride height.Protection Mode will automatically be selectedin order to “protect” the air suspension system,air suspension adjustment is limited due topayload.• Service Stop/Start System Telltale — IfEquippedThis telltale will turn on to indicatethat the Stop/Start is Unavailable,service Stop/Start system.• Loose Fuel Filler CapThis telltale will turn on to indicatethat the fuel filler cap may be loose.DID White Telltales• Electronic Speed Control ReadyThis light will turn on when theelectronic speed control is ON. Forfurther information, refer to “Elec-tronic Speed Control” in “Under-standing The Features Of YourVehicle.”DID Selectable Menu ItemsPush and release the UP or DOWN arrowbuttons until the desired Selectable Menu icon/title is highlighted in the DID.Digital SpeedometerPush and release the UP or DOWNarrow button until the Digital dis-play icon is highlighted in the DID.Push and release the RIGHT arrowbutton to change the display be-tween mph and km/h.Vehicle InfoPush and release the UP or DOWNarrow button until the Vehicle Infoicon is highlighted in the DID. Pushand release the RIGHT arrow but-ton to enter the submenus items ofVehicle Info. follow the directional187