Tire Inflation PressuresThe proper cold tire inflation pressure is listedon the driver’s side B-Pillar or rear edge of thedriver’s side door.At least once a month:• Check and adjust tire pressure with a goodquality pocket-type pressure gauge. Do notmake a visual judgement when determiningproper inflation. Tires may look properly in-flated even when they are under-inflated.• Inspect tires for signs of tire wear or visibledamage.CAUTION!After inspecting or adjusting the tire pres-sure, always reinstall the valve stem cap.This will prevent moisture and dirt from en-tering the valve stem, which could damagethe valve stem.Inflation pressures specified on the placard arealways “cold tire inflation pressure.” Cold tireinflation pressure is defined as the tire pressureafter the vehicle has not been driven for at leastthree hours, or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km)after sitting for a minimum of three hours. Thecold tire inflation pressure must not exceed themaximum inflation pressure molded into the tiresidewall.Check tire pressures more often if subject to awide range of outdoor temperatures, as tirepressures vary with temperature changes.Tire pressures change by approximately 1 psi(7 kPa) per 12°F (7°C) of air temperaturechange. Keep this in mind when checking tirepressure inside a garage, especially in thewinter.Example: If garage temperature = 68°F (20°C)and the outside temperature = 32°F (0°C) thenthe cold tire inflation pressure should be in-creased by 3 psi (21 kPa), which equals 1 psi(7 kPa) for every 12°F (7°C) for this outsidetemperature condition.Tire pressure may increase from 2 to 6 psi (13to 40 kPa) during operation. DO NOT reducethis normal pressure build up or your tire pres-sure will be too low.Tire Pressures For High SpeedOperationThe manufacturer advocates driving at safespeeds and within posted speed limits. Wherespeed limits or conditions are such that thevehicle can be driven at high speeds, maintain-ing correct tire inflation pressure is very impor-tant. Increased tire pressure and reduced ve-hicle loading may be required for high-speedvehicle operation. Refer to your authorized tiredealer or original equipment vehicle dealer forrecommended safe operating speeds, loadingand cold tire inflation pressures.WARNING!High speed driving with your vehicle undermaximum load is dangerous. The addedstrain on your tires could cause them to fail.You could have a serious collision. Do notdrive a vehicle loaded to the maximum ca-pacity at continuous speeds above 75 mph(120 km/h).339