Safety Checks You Should MakeInside The VehicleSeat BeltsInspect the seat belt system periodically, check-ing for cuts, frays, and loose parts. Damagedparts must be replaced immediately. Do notdisassemble or modify the system.Front seat belt assemblies must be replacedafter a collision. Rear seat belt assemblies mustbe replaced after a collision if they have beendamaged (i.e., bent retractor, torn webbing,etc.). If there is any question regarding seat beltor retractor condition, replace the seat belt.Air Bag Warning LightThe light should come on and re-main on for four to eight secondsas a bulb check when the ignitionswitch is first turned ON. If the lightis not lit during starting, see yourauthorized dealer. If the light stayson, flickers, or comes on while driving, have thesystem checked by an authorized dealer.DefrosterCheck operation by selecting the defrost modeand place the blower control on high speed. Youshould be able to feel the air directed againstthe windshield. See your authorized dealer forservice if your defroster is inoperable.Floor Mat Safety InformationAlways use floor mats designed to fit the foot-well of your vehicle. Use only floor mats thatleave the pedal area unobstructed and that arefirmly secured so that they cannot slip out ofposition and interfere with the pedals or impairsafe operation of your vehicle in other ways.WARNING!Pedals that cannot move freely can causeloss of vehicle control and increase the riskof serious personal injury.• Always make sure that floor mats areproperly attached to the floor mat fasten-ers.(Continued)WARNING! (Continued)• Never place or install floor mats or otherfloor coverings in the vehicle that cannotbe properly secured to prevent them frommoving and interfering with the pedals orthe ability to control the vehicle.• Never put floor mats or other floor cover-ings on top of already installed floor mats.Additional floor mats and other coveringswill reduce the size of the pedal area andinterfere with the pedals.• Check mounting of mats on a regularbasis. Always properly reinstall and securefloor mats that have been removed forcleaning.• Always make sure that objects cannot fallinto the driver footwell while the vehicle ismoving. Objects can become trapped un-der the brake pedal and accelerator pedalcausing a loss of vehicle control.(Continued)64