More extensive repairs will be required for pro-longed exposure to E-85 fuel.EthanolThe manufacturer recommends that your ve-hicle be operated on fuel containing no morethan 10% ethanol. Purchasing your fuel from areputable supplier may reduce the risk of ex-ceeding this 10% limit and/or of receiving fuelwith abnormal properties. It should also benoted that an increase in fuel consumptionshould be expected when using ethanol-blended fuels, due to the lower energy contentof ethanol. Problems that result from usingmethanol/gasoline or E-85 ethanol blends arenot the responsibility of the manufacturer.CAUTION!Use of fuel with Ethanol content higher than10% may result in engine malfunction, start-ing and operating difficulties, and materialsdegradation. These adverse effects couldresult in permanent damage to your vehicle.Methanol(Methyl) is used in a variety of concentrationswhen blended with unleaded gasoline. You mayfind fuels containing 3% or more methanolalong with other alcohols called cosolvents.Problems that result from using methanol/gasoline blends are not the responsibility of themanufacturer. While MTBE is an oxygenatemade from Methanol, it does not have thenegative effects of Methanol.CAUTION!Do not use gasolines containing Methanol.Use of these blends may result in startingand drivability problems and may damagecritical fuel system components.MMT In GasolineMethylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl(MMT) is a manganese containing metallic addi-tive that is blended into some gasoline to increaseoctane. Gasoline blended with MMT provides noperformance advantage beyond gasoline of thesame octane number without MMT. Gasolineblended with MMT reduces spark plug life andreduces emission system performance in somevehicles. The manufacturer recommends thatgasoline without MMT be used in your vehicle.The MMT content of gasoline may not be indi-cated on the gasoline pump; therefore, youshould ask your gasoline retailer whether or nothis/her gasoline contains MMT.355