Using the TV’s FeaturesChapter 3 55Front Button BlockSelecting this option lets you block (disable) or unblock (enable) the TV’sfront buttons. The remote still tunes to any channel. Front Panel Block can:• Keep children from watching TV when the parent is not present.• Keep young children from playing with the buttons on the TV.(When using this as a Parental Control method, you should removeaccess to any remote that is capable of operating the television.)Don’t forget to lock the TV after you select Blocked. If you do not, thefront panel block will not take effect.Note: If power to the TV is lost for an extended period, thebuttons become unblocked. Blocking the front buttons does notdisable the front input.Web Browser BlockSelecting this option lets you decide if the web browser can be accessed.Block Web Browser Need a password to view web content whenTV is locked.View Web Browser Web browser is accessible without apassword when TV is locked.Make sure the TV is locked. If you do not, Web Browser Block will notblock browser access even if you set Block Web Browser.Web Browser Block9Front Button Block8V-Chip Unrated7Canada V-Chip6USA V-Chip5Antenna B List4Antenna A List3Video Input List2Lock TV1Go Back0Main Menu Parental ControlsPress OK to block (disable) the buttons on the front of the TV.Only the remote or keyboard will control the TV.When the buttons on the TV are blocked and the TV islocked, only the remote or keyboard will control the TV.This keeps children from playing with the buttons. It alsokeeps children from watching TV when a guardian is notpresent (you must hide the remote for this to be effective.)Note: If power to the TV is lost for more than an hour (forexample, a power outage) the buttons become unblocked.Front Buttons UnblockedFront Buttons BlockedWeb Browser Block9Front Button Block8V-Chip Unrated7Canada V-Chip6USA V-Chip5Antenna B List4Antenna A List3Video Input List2Lock TV1Go Back0Main Menu Parental ControlsAccess to the web browser can be blocked to require apassword when the TV is locked. Press OK to continue.This television has an Ethernet connection and a built-in webbrowser for accessing the Internet with a cable modem orDSL unit. If you want access to the web browser to requirea password, select "Block Web Browser" and lock the TV.View Web BrowserBlock Web BrowserAuto Tuning FeatureThe way you set up the Auto Tuning feature in the TV’s menucorresponds to the component buttons on the remote and the way youhave each component connected to your TV. When you set auto tuning,you’re telling the TV what channel to tune to when you press the VCR,DVD, or SAT/CAB button on the remote control. This is especially usefulfor going directly to an input like a 1394 input.Note: AUX by default is set up for a second RCA VCR. Or, you canprogram VCR or AUX to operate a second RCA VCR with the 2001 code.Also, any VCR programmed to the AUX button becomes “VCR2” buttonand controllable by auto tuning.1. Press MENU (the MAIN MENU appears)2. Highlight Connections and press OK.3. Highlight Auto Tuning and press OK4. Highlight the component button field and continually press OK toscroll through the selection of inputs.The choices and a brief explanation follow:Not Connected Choose this if you don’t have this particularcomponent connected to the TV, or if you don’t want the TV toautomatically tune to the correct channel when you press one of thecomponent buttons on the remote.Ethernet Setup9Special Features81394 Setup7Auto Tuning6Signal Type5Signal Source4Software Upgrade3Channel Search2Antenna Info1Go Back0Main Menu ConnectionsPress OK to select the channel or input that is tuned whenthe VCR key is pressed on the remote.Select which input or channel should be automatically tunedwhen a button listed below is pressed on the remote control.Tip: If you indicated inGUIDE Plus+ Setup thatyou have a cable box,set the Auto Tuning forSAT-CABLE to "NotConnected".SAT-CABLE (Satellite or Cable Box)Front InputDVDFront InputVCR2 (Aux default)Front InputVCRFront InputWith the Auto Tuning feature, you can set upthe TV to tune to the channel you want to watchby pressing that component’s button. AutoTuning for the TV button cannot be set.DVD VCRAUXSATCAB AUDIO