Replacing an HSU Chapter 6RADWIN 5000 HPMP User Manual Release 3.2.00 6-29• You are logged on as InstallerFor this release, this feature for HSUs, is relevant to the 5.3 GHz ETSI and the 5.4 GHz FCC/IC bands.Configuration of False Radar Mitigation is covered in Chapter 13.Replacing an HSUA defective HSU may be replaced by another HSU belonging to the sector provided that thereplacement is not registered. Here is a typical scenario:Figure 6-15: Unit 10.101 is down and unit 10.102 is available and not registeredSince the replacement procedure is a rather delicate process, we will step through it with adetailed example based on the scenario in Figure 6-15.To replace a defective HSU:1. Right click the defective unit to obtain the context menu.It has a new item: Replace.2. Click Replace. Your are offered a list of HSUs available as replacements. In ourexample there is one: 10.102.