Prerequisites Chapter 20RADWIN 5000 HPMP User Manual Release 3.2.00 20-3PrerequisitesHardwareYou need a regular LAN connection between a managing computer and one of the sectorODUs. The WI can be used directly opposite the HBS any of its HSUs. It can also be used overthe air from the HBS to any registered HSU.The WI is available for RADWIN 2000 C and RADWIN 2000 B ODUs at release level 2.6.00 orlater along with RADWIN 5000 HPMP ODUs, this release and later.SoftwareYour computer should have at least version 6 of MS Internet Explorer. The Web interface alsoworks with other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox version 3 and later.Technical BackgroundYou should be familiar with the concepts underlying the RADWIN Manager and preferablywith the Manager itself.Special Considerations Working with the WIAdvanced ConfigurationsFor setup configurations using features such as HSS, VLAN and QoS, you will need to use theRADWIN Manager.Operational EffectsSeveral WI functions cause temporary sync loss. Typically, changing the number of antennasfalls into this category. These cases will be pointed out in Warning messages.Some Working TipsYou can:» Log on to a ODU on the default IP address of, set the Link ID and IPaddress instead of using the RADWIN Manager as in Chapter 5. Unlike the LocalConnection method, you need to reset the ODU to see the change in the Web Inter-face.» Change the operating Band of an HSU instead of using the RADWIN Manager as inChapter 6. You can revert it the same way or by a direct connection, logged on asInstaller. You cannot change the operating Band of the HBS in this way.» Look at Recent Events for either siteYou cannot:» Change default Tx power» Configure MIMO/Diversity» Manage other features such as GSU (when supported), VLAN, QoS» Perform Software upgrade