Configuring the Sector out of the Box - IP Addresses Chapter 5RADWIN 5000 HPMP User Manual Release 3.2.00 5-4Configuring the Sector out of the Box - IP AddressesThe default log-on IP address for all ODUs in the sector is the same:, Subnet Mask255.0.0.0 and default gateway To get the process started, set up the IP address onthe network card on the managing computer to something like, Subnet Mask255.255.255.0 and Default Gateway that you have a direct LAN connection to the ODU, run the RADWIN Manager and log-on to it.Figure 5-1: Logging on with factory default IP addressAlternatively, you can log on using Local Connection without need to change your NetworkInterface Card address:TipChoose your unit names carefully. For example, for three collocated HBSseach with 16 HSUs covering 360°, matters get out of hand very quickly ifunits are poorly named. They can always be identified by their IPaddresses, but that is a poor substitute for effective naming. A URL-likenaming pattern based on HBS_n.HSU_y is clear and familiar to all Internetusers.In a scenario like our example (one HBS, two HSUs) that would have beenbe unduly complicated and detracting.