Mounting RADWIN Lighting Protection unit Chapter 17RADWIN 5000 HPMP User Manual Release 3.2.00 17-6Figure 17-5: ODU Lightning Protector and groundingMounting RADWIN Lighting Protection unitTo mount a lightning protection device:1. Mount the device as close to the ODU as possible.2. Mount the unit to on the pole using the supplied band.3. Connect the ODU-IDU cable using the RJ-45 jack.4. Connect one cable between the ODU and the protector using an RJ-45 jack.5. Connect the protector’s ground stud to a grounding point. Use the appropriate wiregauge and type, keeping the wire as short as possible, less than 1m (3’), betweenthe stud and the site grounding point.A second lightning protector Unit should be mounted at the building entry point and must begrounded, as shown in Figure 17-4 above.NoteThere may also be regulatory requirements to cross bond the ODU-IDU CAT-5e cable at regular intervals up the mast. This may be as frequent as every10 meters (33 feet).