The RADWIN Manager Chapter 1RADWIN 5000 HPMP User Manual Release 3.2.00 1-4The RADWIN ManagerThe RADWIN Manager is an SNMP-based management application which manages a com-plete sector over a single IP address. It can also manage HSUs separately.The intuitive, easy-to-use RADWIN Manager has a graphical Microsoft Windows interface.Conventions Used in this ManualNotificationsNotifications consist of Notes, Cautions and Warnings.Typographical conventionsGeneralWhere a term is defined or introduced for the first time, it is shown in Boldface. You willhave noticed this usage in the Terminology section above.SoftwareThe RADWIN Manager is a Microsoft Windows application following the user interface con-ventions of familiar Microsoft Windows programs.NoteThe purpose of a Note is to• Draw your attention to something that may not be obvious or coun-ter-intuitive• Emphasize a special feature or peculiarity of the RADWIN 5000 HPMP• Offer an external reference for additional information• Add a caveat that would not qualify as a full Caution or Warning (seebelow)• Provide additional background to what follows• Offer a recommendation• Highlight an indication of something to watch out for• Advise you if an action has “side effects” i.e. it may disturb somethingelse that would be best left undisturbed• Remind you of something that should be kept in mindCautionA Caution is a notification of risk of damage to equipment or of servicedegradationWarningA Warning is a notification of risk of danger to persons operating near theequipment