48 | City Series CC40EPVinstallation919-920 10.11.183CV40EPV / CB40EPV / CC40EPV'HWHUPLQHWKHFRUUHFWKHLJKWWARNINGELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SHOULD ONLY BECARRIED OUT BY A QUALIFIED AND LICENSEDELECTRICIANPower vent terminal installation1. Frame an opening to the outside of the building at 13-1/2" W x13-1/2" H to accommodate the Power Vent.6. Determine the building finishing material thickness.7. Depending on the building material thickness, install the frame ontothe Power Vent mount using 4 screws. Mounting holes start at 2"from the front of the Power Vent unit cover and can be adjusted backin 3/4" increments.'HWHUPLQHSURWUXVLRQ'HWHUPLQH¿QLVKLQJ6HWIUDPHGHSWKVWDUWLQJ#RIIDFHSODWHSURWUXVLRQ PDWHULDOWKLFNQHVVRIIDFHSODWHNOTE: Exterior fi nishes such as thin vinyl siding may warp if closerthan 2” from them vent. For interior installations on vinyl siding, a 2”frame/buffer zone must be created between the fi nishing and the vent.8. Install Power Vent unit into framed opening using 4 screws as shownbelow.9. Seal the edges of the Power Vent unit to the framing (there are twoseams).2. Run the venting and BX cable from the unit to the framed opening.3. Install the strain relief (supplied) to the back of the Power vent mount box.4. Strip the sheath from the BX cable to expose approximately 8" ofexposed wires.5. Feed the BX cable through the strain relief installed in Step 3.Strain ReliefAdjustable Power Vent FrameSeal behind flange with silicone--screw against Plywood siding. Wipeany excess silicone off outer flangeafter flange is screwed down.Silicone edge of inner trimagainst siding of structure,wipe any excess silicone offtrim.Power Vent Terminal Installation