OS CONTENTSWindows • Printer driver: Use this driver to take full advantage ofyour machine’s features.• PostScript Printer Driver: Use the PostScript driver toprint documents with complex fonts and graphics in the PSlanguage. (PostScript printer description file is included.)• Smart Panel: This program allows you to monitor themachine’s status and alerts you when an error occurs dur-ing printing.• Printer Settings Utility: This program allows you to setup printer’s other options from your computer desktop.• Direct Printing Utility: This program allows you to printPDF files directly.• SetIP: Use this program to set your machine’s TCP/IPaddresses.• XPS printer driver: Use to print documents in XPS printpath. XPS printer driver can be installed only on WindowsVista or higher.Macintosh • Printer driver: Use this driver to run your machine from aMacintosh computer and print documents. (PostScriptprinter description file is included.)• Smart Panel: This program allows you to monitor themachine’s status.• Printer Settings Utility: This program allows you to setup printer’s other options from your computer desktop.• SetIP: Use this program to set your machine’s TCP/IPaddresses.Linux • Unified Linux Driver: Use this driver to take full advan-tage of your machine’s features.• PostScript Printer Driver: Use this driver to run yourmachine from a Linux computer and print documents.(PostScript printer description file is included.)• Smart Panel: This program allows you to monitor themachine’s status.• Printer Settings Utility: This program allows you to setup printer’s other options from your computer desktop.• SetIP: Use this program to set your machine’s TCP/IPaddresses.Unix • UNIX Printer driver: Use this driver to take full advan-tage of your machine's feature.Getting started_ 29SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSBefore you begin, ensure that your system meets the following require-ments:Microsoft® Windows®Your machine supports the following Windows operating systems.OPERATINGSYSTEMREQUIREMENT (RECOMMENDED)CPU RAM FREE HDDSPACEWindows 2000® Intel® Pentium® II 400MHz (Pentium III 933MHz)64 MB(128 MB)600 MBWindows XP® Intel® Pentium® III 933MHz (Pentium IV 1 GHz)128 MB(256 MB)1.5 GBWindowsServer® 2003Intel® Pentium® III 933MHz (Pentium IV 1 GHz)128 MB(512 MB)1.25 GB to2 GBWindowsServer® 2008Intel® Pentium® IV 1 GHz(Pentium IV 2 GHz)512 MB(2048 MB)10 GBWindowsVista®Intel® Pentium® IV 3 GHz 512 MB(1024 MB)15 GBWindows® 7 Intel® Pentium® IV 1 GHz32-bit or 64-bit processoror higher1 GB (2GB)16 GB• Support for DirectX® 9 graphics with 128 MB memory(to enable the Aero theme).• DVD-R/W DriveWindowsServer® 2008R2Intel® Pentium® IV 1 GHz(x86) or 1.4 GHz (x64)processors (2 GHz orfaster)512 MB(2048 MB)10 GB• Internet Explorer® 6.0 or higher is the minimum requirement for allWindows operating systems.• Administrator rights are required to install the software.• Windows Terminal Services is compatible with this machine.• For Windows 2000, Services Pack 4 or higher is required.MacintoshOPERAT-ING SYS-TEMREQUIREMENTS (RECOMMENDED)CPU RAM FREE HDDSPACEMac OS X10.3 ~ 10.4• Intel® Proces-sors• PowerPC G4/G5• 128 MB for aPowerPC basedMac (512 MB)• 512 MB for aIntel-based Mac(1 GB)1 GBMac OS X10.5• Intel® Proces-sors• 867 MHz orfaster PowerPC G4/ G5512 MB (1 GB) 1 GBMac OS X10.6• Intel® Proces-sors1 GB (2 GB) 1 GB