COM-MAND-LINEDEFINITIONDESCRIPTION/s or/SStarts silent installation.Installs machine driverswithout prompting any UIsor user intervention./p”name>” or/P”name>”Specifies printer port.Network Port will becreated by use ofStandard TCP/IP Portmonitor. For local port,this port must exist onsystem before beingspecified by com-mand.Printer port name can bespecified as IP address,hostname, USB local portname or IEEE1284 portname.For example•/p”” inwhere, “”means IP address fornetwork printer./p”USB001”, /P”LPT1:”,/p”hostname”•When installing thedriver silently in Korean,type in-Setup.exe /s/L"0x0012” orSetup.exe /s /L"18” ./a”h>” or/A”h>”Specifies destination pathfor installation.The destination pathshould be a fully quali-fied path.Since machine driversshould be installed on theOS specific location, thiscommand applies to onlyapplication software./i”