Applications and Widgets 123Your Navigator DeluxeProvides all the features of an advanced car navigationsystem. Obtain turn-by-turn driving directions with GPSaccuracy. Search for any destination (including gas stations,ATMs, restaurants, and more). View detailed maps of anylocation.Important! Your Navigator Deluxe requires you to activate theGPS location function on your phone. (For moreinformation, refer to “Location services” on page185.)1. From the Apps menu, touch Your Navigator Deluxe.2. From the Your Navigator Deluxe Home screen selectone of the following options:• Drive To: Obtain turn by turn directions to an address, airport,contact address, and more.• Places: Search for nearby businesses, the cheapest gasprices, and more.• Maps & Traffic: View your current location on a map and anytraffic in the area.• Local Apps: Launch applications that enhance Your NavigatorDeluxe sessions.Note: If the GPS location function on your phone isinactive, follow the prompts to activate it. (Formore information, refer to “Location services”on page 185.)Tip: The first time you launch Your Navigator Deluxe,your phone downloads Your Navigator Deluxeupdates and applications not included with YourNavigator Deluxe to save storage. Activating Wi-Fican save data charges during this download. (Formore information, refer to “Wi-Fi” on page 128.)DRAFTFOR INTERNAL USE ONLY