Settings 191– Available space: Shows the total device memory available foruse.• SD card: View usage for, and manage, storage space on anoptional memory card.– Total space: Shows the total card memory.– Available space: Shows the total card memory available foruse.– Unmount SD card: Deactivates the memory card so that youcan safely remove it or format it. (For more information, see“Installing and Removing a Memory Card” onpage 138)– Format SD card: Deletes all data from the memory card,including music, videos, and photos. (For more information, see“Formatting a Memory Card” on page 139.)Developer optionsUse the Developer options to set options for Androidapplication development and testing. From the Settings screen, under System, touchDeveloper options. The Developer options screenappears.Desktop backup passwordProtect the desktop with a backup password ID.1. From the Developer options screen, touch Desktopbackup password.2. In the Settings screen, enter the current full backuppassword, the new password for full backups, thenenter the new password again.3. Touch Set backup password to save the passwordchange.Stay awakeWhen enabled, this option blocks the screen from “sleeping”while the device is connected to a battery charger.Protect SD cardWhen enabled, this option requires Apps to requestpermission to access the optional microSD memory card.DRAFTFOR INTERNAL USE ONLY