Settings 159Vibrate when ringingWhen enabled, vibration is played at the same time assounds for calls and alerts. From the Sound menu, under Ringtone andnotifications, touch Vibrate when ringing to enable ordisable the feature.When Vibrate when ringing is enabled, a check markappears in the check box.Dialing keypad toneDialing keypad tones are sounds that play when you touchkeys on the Phone keypad. From the Sound menu, under System, touch Dialingkeypad tones to enable or disable key sounds.When Dialing keypad tones is enabled, a check markappears in the check box.Touch soundsTouch sounds play when you touch items on the screen, suchas when making a selection. From the Sound menu, under System, touch Touchsounds to enable or disable touch sounds.When Touch sounds is enabled, a check mark appearsin the check box.Screen lock soundScreen lock sound plays when you lock or unlock the screen. From the Sound menu, under System, touch Screenlock sound to enable or disable the Screen lock sound.When Screen lock sound is enabled, a check markappears in the check box.Haptic feedbackWhen turned On, the phone vibrates to indicate screentouches and other interactions. From the Sound menu, under System, touch Hapticfeedback to turn touch vibrations On or Off.DRAFTFOR INTERNAL USE ONLY