184Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync1. From the Settings screen, under Accounts, touchMicrosoft Exchange ActiveSync. The Microsoft ExchangeActiveSync screen appears.2. Under Common settings, touch Settings. The Settingsscreen appears.3. Touch General preferences. The General preferencesoptions are the same as for Email accounts.4. Under Added accounts, touch the desired account. Thefollowing options are available:• Common settings:– Account name: Enter a name to identify the account.– Signature: Enter or change signature text.– Default account: Touch to assign or un-assign this account asthe default account for sending email from your phone.– Always Cc/Bcc myself: Adds your email address to None ofsend email messages or to Cc or Bcc field of send emailmessages.– Forward with attachment: Enables including copies of anyattached files when forwarding a copy of an email message.– Show images: When enabled, images included in messagesautomatically display, without a confirmation pop-up.• Data usage:– Auto download attachments: When enabled, automaticallydownloads attachments to recent messages, but only whenyour device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.• Exchange ActiveSync settings:– Period to sync email: Choose the number days worth of emailmessages the phone and server will synchronize. Choose from:All, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, or 1 month.– Empty server trash: Delete your email account’s trash binremotely.– Sync schedule Choose your email automatic synchronizationschedule.– Folder sync settings: Choose email automatic synchronizationschedules for individual folders.– Out of office settings: Enable/disable your account’s out ofoffice settings, choose the start/end dates, and enter/change your outgoing messages.– Size to retrieve emails: Choose how much of each messageyour phone retrieves before you view it.DRAFTFOR INTERNAL USE ONLY