F AXING (SCX-4720F/4720FS O NLY )7.14Receiving a FaxAbout Receiving Modes• In Fax mode, the machine answers an incoming fax call andimmediately goes into the fax reception mode.• In Tel mode, you can receive a fax by pressing On HookDial (you can hear a fax tone from the sending machine) andthen pressing Start on the control panel of your machine.You can also pick up the handset of the extension phone andthen press the remote receive code (see page 7.4).• In Ans/Fax mode, the answering machine answers anincoming call, and the caller can leave a message on theanswering machine. If the fax machine senses a fax tone onthe line, the call automatically switches to Fax mode.• In DRPD mode, you can receive a call using the DistinctiveRing Pattern Detection (DRPD) feature. “Distinctive Ring” is atelephone company service which enables a user to use asingle telephone line to answer several different telephonenumbers. For further details, see page 7.17.When your machine’s memory is full, the receiving modeautomatically switches to Tel.For details about changing the receiving mode, see page 7.3.NOTES:• To use the Ans/Fax mode, attach an answering machine to theEXT jack on the back of your machine.• If you do not want other people to view your receiveddocuments, you can use Secure Receiving mode. In this mode,all of the received faxes are stored in memory. For furtherdetails, see page 7.35.