G ETTING STARTED 2.172Entering Characters Using theNumber KeypadAs you perform various tasks, you need to enter names andnumbers. For example, when you set up your machine, youenter your name (or your company’s name) and telephonenumber. When you store one-, two-, or three-digit speed dial orgroup dial numbers, you may also enter the correspondingnames.To enter alphanumeric characters:1 When you are prompted to enter a letter,locate the button labeled with thecharacter you want. Press the button untilthe correct letter appears on the display.For example, to enter the letter O,press 6, labeled with “MNO.”Each time you press 6, the displayshows a different letter, M,N, O, and finally 6.You can enter special characters, such as space, plus sign,and etc.. For details, see “Keypad Letters and Numbers” onpage 2.18.2 To enter additional letters, repeat step 1.If the next letter is printed on the same button, move thecursor by pressing the button and then press the buttonlabeled with the letter you want. The cursor will move to theright and the next letter will appear on the display.You can enter a space by pressing 1 twice.3 When you finish entering letters, press Enter.