2.5Scanner ControlWindowObtains a low-resolution copy of theoriginal document.You can adjust the settings for the scanner to capture the image.Scan ModeLets you select the mode that theimage is to be scanned in; TrueColor RGB*, 256 Color*, Gray 256Scales, Halftone B/W, LineartB/W. See page 2.6.ResolutionDetermine the amount ofinformation the scanner willcapture in a scanned image.See page 2.7.Scaling FactorEnlarge or Reduce animage as it is scanned. Seepage 2.8.DescreenMinimize the transfer ofmoiré patterns into yourimage file. See page 2.11.FilterYou can soften or sharpenedges and boundaries of animage. See page 2.10.Highlight, Shadow, GammaAdjustmentLets you adjust the light anddark values within the selectionframe. See page 2.12.Closes MyScan window, andreturns immediately to theimage editing application.*These modes are available onSF4500C only.Scan SourceSee page 2.6.Scans the chosen area in thePreview window. The imagewill be transferred to yourapplication and will appearon your screen.MyScan