Caller Options ProcessorGreeting Two greeting options are available in the SVMi-8 Extension Block. They are NONE and BASIC.If the greeting is NONE, the subscriber may not record a greeting in their extension (they may however, if allowed,record a mailbox greeting). The caller will be played a list of caller options that match the selections that have beenallowed in Eclass System Caller Options Digit Assignment. These may include any or all of the following:Dialing another number, leave a message, hold, have the subscriber paged on the overhead paging system, selectother custom options or reach the operator.If the greeting type is BASIC the caller may record custom greeting(s) according to the features allowed in extensionblock Authorizations. The caller will still be able to access a list of caller options that match the selections that havebeen allowed in Eclass System Caller Options Digit Assignment, but the subscriber's greeting will have to announcethese. Additionally, any other options that have been assigned in the extension Caller Options Processor (ExtensionBlock page 3 of 5) will be available to callers.Caller Options Processor ParametersOption Description This column contains texts fields for a description of what the caller will experience as a resultof pressing the 'To Select' column digit in the Caller Options Processor target generator. Example, 'I'm in the facility,if you would like to page me, please press 3'.To Select Column The fields in this column are Event Pointers. They are activated by the administrator at the time ofinstallation for each mailbox subscriber through the extension telephone interface in System Caller Options.Action, Typ, Gp and Target Name Columns Action specifies the operation to take place. In the Extension Block, goto (or leave blank) is the only possible action. Typ indicates the type of block targeted. Gp represents the groupnumber (if appropriate) and will always be 01. Target Name specifies the block to pass control to. To edit the infor-mation in the Select, Action, Typ, Gp, or Target Name columns, press ENTER to bring up the Target Generator.Highlight and open the appropriate Block type from the Target Generator pick list. Select a new or existing Block ofthat type. Press ‘Ctrl + O' to review or edit the selected Block.Block Types and Descriptions53EExxtteennssiioonn BBlloocckkPage 3 of 5