Matching Dial StringsThere are two ways for the SVMi-8 to select a station block.The station is specifically selected by a Mailbox or Extension Block or Automatic selection. This Matching Dial Stringarea is where the automatic selection takes place. If a Station Block has not been explicitly assigned to a phone num-ber, SVMi-8 will search all Station Blocks to locate the one most closely matching the number being dialed. StationBlocks can contain up to six matching dial strings. These strings can include any digit which can be dialed and thewildcard character "?". Zero would match the operator's extension.Examples:3??? - Match any four-digit number beginning with "3".411 - Match "411" only.???5000 - Match any seven-digit number ending in "5000".??? - Match any three-digit number.Prefix and SuffixPrefix The Dial Prefix instructs SVMi-8 what DTMF to dial, if any, prior to the actual number. Prefix examplesinclude a tie line or trunk access code. One example is shown in the Off-Premise Station Block: '9,' tells SVMi-8 todial "9" and then pause before dialing the actual telephone number. See the instructions for entering specific charac-ters in the appendix.Suffix Enter any DTMF that must be dialed after the actual number. This will usually be left blank but may include anaccount code or PBX feature code. Beepers usually require some form of DTMF entry after the telephone number.See the instructions for entering specific characters in the appendix.Block Types and Descriptions88SSttaattiioonn BBlloocckkPage 1 of 4