Samsung ProgrammingSVMi-8 Manual MMCsMMC: 309 ASSIGN STATION MUSIC ON HOLDDESCRIPTION:This MMC is used to select the MOH source to be heard at stations when put on hold.DCS systems must have a Trunk A card installed. For Compact II systems, one MOHsource is supplied on the base board; a second external source is provided with theaddition of a MISC card. For iDCS500 systems, one source is provided via each MISCcard added. Options are NONE, TONE, internal source or external source.In addition to “TONE” or a music source, you may also select an Auto Attendant (AA)port to provide continuous play of a specific recording. (The AA port selected must bethe last port on a MISC card.) If selected, the MOH will be the message defined inMMC 736 (Assign AA MOH) from the port defined in this MMC.With an SVM installed you may also select a voice mail recording as a music source.The recording must already been defined in MMC 756 (Assign VM MOH) and will showup here as the voice mail port associated with the recording.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entryANS/RLS Used to select ALL