CHAPTER 7. WLAN Additional Services© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. page 362 of 6897.12 Multicast Stream Admission ControlThe multicast stream admission control is provided to protect the currently runningmulticast streams from new streams that flow into the wireless LAN. When the maximumallowed usage of streams or channels per radio is reached, the APC does not allow anyadditional streams.7.12.1 Configuring Admission ControlThe multicast stream admission control function configures the maximum number ofstreams or the maximum usage of channels to protect the currently running multicaststreams. It denies multicast streaming requests once the maximum number of streams orthe maximum usage of channels is reached. You can set the number of marginal streams orthe usage of channels with consideration for handover.Configuration using CLITo set multicast stream admission control, execute the following commands:1) Configuration mode of CLI enter the multicast stream admission control mode ofthe desired wireless section.APC# configure terminalAPC/configure# [80211a/80211bg] msacAPC/configure/80211a/msac#2) Enable or disable the multicast stream admission control function. acm [MODE]Parameter DescriptionMode Whether or not to use the multicast stream admission control(enable/disable)- enable: Enable- disable: Disable3) Configure the maximum allowed number of streams. max-streams [VALUE]Parameter DescriptionVALUE Maximum allowed number of streams