CHAPTER 10. System Management© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. page 484 of 68910.4 Managing Alarm and EventThe system alarms and events are saved into a system log and transmitted to an externalserver according to the filtering policy. An alarm is managed in terms of occurrence andrelease and an event is managed in the report format.The alarm and event are managed according to group or level. Each group or level isclassified into the following item. You can select an item to retrieve.Alarm, event groupGroup Descriptionsystem Retrieves system alarm or Retrieves performance monitoring alarm or event.ap Retrieves AP related alarm or event.wlan Retrieves WLAN related alarm or event.wifi Retrieves WI-FI related alarm or Retrieves security related alarm or Retrieves network related alarm or event.interface Retrieves interface related alarm or Retrieves system engine related alarm or event.list Retrieves alarm or event list information.Alarm levelLevel Descriptioncritical Retrieves a critical alarm. A critical alarm is a system log thatcould give a critical effect to a service.major Retrieves a major alarm. A major alarm is a system log thatcould give a major effect to a service.minor Retrieves a minor alarm. A minor alarm is a system log thatcould give a minor effect to a service.