INITIAL SET254 EnglishSETTINGS8 Turn the jog dial to set T2 (minutes) to“30” (minutes), and then turn the shuttledial clockwise.“00:” from T3 flashes (indicating the hour).Repeat steps 4 through 7 to make hour and minutesettings for T3 and T4.9 In the same manner as described setthe hours and minutes of T1, T2, T3, andT4 for “TIME PERIOD B” settings.For both TIME PERIOD A and TIME PERIOD B, allsettings are “00:00” by default.z Settings for T1 through T4 cannot be made in such away that they extend over two days (i.e., includemidnight). If “00:00” (midnight) must be set, this shouldbe done using T1.Any setting of “00:00” for T2 through T4 will be skipped.Example: T1 T2 T3 T406:00 12:00 18:00 00:00In the above example, T4 (00:00) is skipped and T3operates between 18:00 and 06:00.z Furthermore, when T1 through T4 are all set to “00:00”,all but T1 are ignored, and T1 operates from midnight tomidnight.Example 2: Setting time period operation as follows.Automatic selection and monitor masking for “TIMEPERIOD A”.Motion sensing for “TIME PERIOD B”.1 Turn the jog dial to move the cursor to“SEQUENCE” within “SELECT TIMEPERIOD”, and then turn the shuttle dialclockwise.“TIME PERIOD A” flashes.2 Turn the jog dial to select “TIMEPERIOD A” or “TIME PERIOD B”, andthen turn the shuttle dial clockwise.The cursor moves to “MASK”.3 Set the time period for “MASK” and“MOTION SENSOR” in the same way.4 Press the [EXIT] button.The setting procedure is ended and the display returns tothe normal screen.Automatic selection, masking, and motion sensors are allset to “TIME PERIOD A” by default.z As a result of the above operations, “SEQUENCE” areupdated using main monitor and monitor 2 settings onP.92 ; “MASK” are updated using mask settings from onP.94 ; and “MOTION SENSOR” are updated usingmotion sensor settings on P.74 .Time period operations settingsEXIT