15CONNECTING PROJECTORCONNECTING TO VIDEO EQUIPMENTR/Pr G/Y B/Pb H/HV VCONTROL PORTDVIINPUT 1R/C JACKUSBRESET(MONO)(MONO)(MONO)(MONO)AUDIOCONTROL PORTS-VIDEOVIDEO/Y CINPUT 2INPUT 3AUDIOAUDIOSERIAL PORT IN SERIAL PORT OUT AUDIO OUTR LR LRRLLVideo Source (example)Video Cassette Recorder Video Disc PlayerVideoCable ✽S-VIDEOCable ✽Audio Amplifier Audio Speaker (stereo)Audio Cable(Stereo) ✽S-VIDEO OutputAudio InputCables used for connection• Video Cable (BNC x 1, BNC x 2 or BNC x 3) ✽• S-VIDEO Cable ✽• Audio Cable (RCA x 2) ✽(✽ = Cables are not supplied with this projector.)NOTE :When connecting cable, power cords of both aprojector and external equipment should bedisconnected from AC outlet. Turn a projectorand peripheral equipment on before computer isswitched on.Audio OutputY Pb/CbPr/Cr R LExternal Audio EquipmentAV AUDIO INS-VIDEOPr/Cr-Y-Pb/CbVIDEOAUDIO OUTComponent video output equipment.(such as DVD player orhigh-definition TV source.)CompositeVideo Output Component Video OutputAudio Cable(Stereo) ✽VideoCable ✽VideoCable ✽Separate Y/CVideo OutputY CY-CTerminals ofa Projector