PLC-XW200/250 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications17 / 64Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.4.9 CF_PROGV CommandCommand “CF_PROGV_%1”[CR]%1“FILM” -------- Select Progressive Mode FILM“L1” ----------- Select Progressive Mode L1“L2” ----------- Select Progressive Mode L2“OFF” --------- Cancel Progressive scan“UP” -----------Switch Progressive mode in positive orderOFF → L1 → L2 → FILM → OFF“DN” -----------Switch Progressive mode in negative orderOFF → FILM → L2 → L1 → OFFDetailsSet / cancel Progressive scanProjector does not save the value set with this command so that it returns itsoriginal when projector turning into Stanby mode or ALL is OFF. (The value is heldin Suspend mode.)This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.4.10 CF_NZRED CommandCommand “CF_NZRED_%1”[CR]%1“OFF” ------- Cancel Noise Reduction“L1” --------- Noise Reduction for moving image“L2” --------- Noise Reduction for still image“UP” -----------Switch Progressive mode in positive orderOFF → L1 → L2 → FILM → OFF“DN” -----------Switch Progressive mode in negative orderOFF → FILM → L2 → L1 → OFFDetailsNoise Reduction based on frame correlationSelect L1 or L2 depending on motion detectionL2 is more effective in reducing noise than L1, however, L2 can have a blur inmoving imageProjector does not save the value set with this command so that it returns itsoriginal when projector turning into Stanby mode or ALL is OFF. (The value is heldin Suspend mode.)This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.4.11 CF_IMAGE CommandCommand “CF_IMAGE_%1”[CR]%1“DYNAMIC” ------ Dynamic (Fixed value to enable projection with a sharp, powerfulpicture tone)“STAND” ---------- Standard (Image adjust value is set to factory default)“REAL” ------------ Real (Fixed value to display graphic image with natural tone)“CINEMA” -------- Cinema (Fixed value to focus on tone reproduction for movie)“BLACKBOARD” – Blackboard (Fixed value to project image onto green-coloredblackboard)blackboard)“COLORBOARD ” – Colorboard(Fixed value to project image onto colored board)“CUSTOM1” ----- Image1 (the value set and stored by a user)“CUSTOM2” ----- Image2 (the value set and stored by a user)“CUSTOM3” ----- Image3 (the value set and stored by a user)“CUSTOM4” ----- Image4 (the value set and stored by a user)