PLC-XW200/250 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications38 / 648.11 Other Command8.11.1 CF_KEYENU CommandCommand “CF_KEYENU_%1”[CR]%1“RIGHT” ------------------------- Shift Pointer on OSD Menu to right“LEFT” --------------------------- Shift Pointer on OSD Menu to left“UP” ------------------------------ Shift Pointer on OSD Menu to right“DN” ------------------------------ Shift Pointer on OSD Menu to right“SELECT” ----------------------- Behave the same as Select key of Remote control“AUTOPC” ---------------------- Execute Auto PC adjDetailsThis command behave the same as corresponding keys of Remote Control /ProjectorAuto PC adj. keeps operating even though projector receives this command againwhile Auto PC adj. is in process.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.11.2 CF_MENU CommandCommand “CF_MENU_%1”[CR]%1 “ON” ----------------------------- Display OSD Menu“OFF” --------------------------- Cancel OSD menuDetails Display / Cancel On Screen Display MenuThis command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.11.3 CF_POWER CommandCommand “CF_POWER_%1”[CR]%1“ON” ------------Power ON projector“OFF” ---------- Power OFF ProjectorNote1) Count down can be terminated by sending this command.Note2) Projector returns error code due to unable of command execution dependson its condition.Note3) Although projector ruturns “OK”, operation may not be proceeding properly.(e.g. After returning “000” for Power ON command, projector gets abnormaltemperature.) Use Status read command to get projector states.Details Power ON / OFF projector.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]