PLC-XW200/250 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications44 / 649.5 PC Adjust Status Read Command9.5.1 CR_FSYNC CommandCommand "CR_FSYNC”[CR]Details Get Fine Sync valueResponseAcceptable “000_%a”[CR]%a “0000”~“0031”Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR] ----- When the command is invalid due tocondition such as Input source9.5.2 CR_TDOTS CommandCommand “CR_TDOTS”[CR]Details Get Total Dots valueResponseAcceptable “000_%a”[CR]%a“nnnn”~“mmmm”(nnnn = Display Dots + Horizontal Position)(mmmm= Maximum value depends on input signal)Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR] -------- When the command is invalid due tocondition such as Input source9.5.3 CR_CLAMP CommandCommand “CR_CLAMP”[CR]Details Get Clamp valueResponseAcceptable “000_%a”[CR]%a “0001”~“nnnn”(“nnnn” depends on input signal)Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR] -------- When the command is invalid due tocondition such as Input source9.5.4 CR_H – POS CommandCommand “CR_H - POS”[CR]Details Get Horizontal Position valueResponseAcceptable “000_%a”[CR]%a “0000”~“nnnn”(nnnn = Total Dots - Display Dots)Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR] -------- When the command is invalid due tocondition such as Input source9.5.5 CR_V – POS CommandCommand “CR_V - POS”[CR]Details Get Vertical Position valueResponseAcceptable “000_%a”[CR]%a “0000”~“nnnn”(nnnn = Total Line - Display Line)Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR] -------- When the command is invalid due tocondition such as Input source