146 Climate controlAir conditioning systemIn addition to the heating andventilation system, the airconditioning system has controls for:n = cooling4 = air recirculationHeated seats ß 3 43, Heatedsteering wheel * 3 95.Cooling nOperated with the n button and isfunctional only when the engine andfan are running.The air conditioning system cools anddehumidifies (dries) as soon as theoutside temperature is slightly abovethe freezing point. Thereforecondensation may form and drip fromunder the vehicle.If no cooling or drying is required,switch the cooling system off to savefuel. When the cooling system isswitched off, no engine restart will berequested by the climate controlsystem during an Autostop.Air recirculation system 4Operated with the 4 button.9 WarningThe exchange of fresh air isreduced in air recirculation mode.In operation without cooling the airhumidity increases, so thewindows may mist up from inside.The quality of the passengercompartment air deteriorates,which may cause the vehicleoccupants to feel drowsy.In warm and very humid ambient airconditions, the windscreen might mistup from outside, when cold air isdirected to it. If windscreen mists upfrom outside, activate windscreenwiper and deactivate l.Maximum coolingBriefly open the windows so that hotair can disperse quickly.■ Cooling n on.■ Air recirculation system 4 on.■ Press air distribution switch M.■ Set temperature control to coldestlevel.■ Set fan speed to highest level.■ Open all vents.