282 Customer informationCustomer informationVehicle data recording and pri‐vacy ........................................... 282Vehicle data recordingand privacyEvent data recordersData storage modules in thevehicleA large number of electroniccomponents of your vehicle containdata storage modules temporarily orpermanently storing technical dataabout the condition of the vehicle,events and errors. In general, thistechnical information documents thecondition of parts, modules, systemsor the environment:■ Operating conditions of systemcomponents (e.g. filling levels)■ Status messages of the vehicle andits single components (e.g. numberof wheel revolutions / rotationalspeed, deceleration, lateralacceleration)■ Dysfunctions and defects inimportant system components■ Vehicle reactions in particulardriving situations (e.g. inflation ofan airbag, activation of the stabilityregulation system)■ Environmental conditions (e.g.temperature)These data are exclusively technicaland help identifying and correctingerrors as well as optimizing vehiclefunctions.Motion profiles indicating travelledroutes cannot be created with thesedata.If services are used (e.g. repairworks, service processes, warrantycases, quality assurance),employees of the service network(manufacturer included) are able toread out this technical informationfrom the event and error data storagemodules applying special diagnosticdevices. If required, you will receivefurther information at theseworkshops. After an error has beencorrected, the data are deleted fromthe error storage module or they areconstantly overwritten.