202 Driving and operatingFaultThe traffic sign assistant system maynot operate correctly when:■ the area of the windscreen, wherethe front camera is located, is notclean■ traffic signs are completely orpartially covered or difficult todiscern■ there are adverse environmentalconditions, e.g. heavy rain, snow,direct sunlight or shadows. In thiscase No Traffic Sign Detection dueto Weather is indicated on thedisplay■ traffic signs are incorrectly mountedor damaged■ traffic signs do not comply with theVienna Convention on traffic signs(Wiener Übereinkommen überStraßenverkehrszeichen)CautionThe system is intended to help thedriver within a defined speedrange to discern certain trafficsigns. Do not ignore traffic signswhich are not displayed by thesystem.The system does not discern anyother than the conventional trafficsigns that might give or end aspeed limit.Do not let this special featuretempt you into taking risks whendriving.Always adapt speed to the roadconditions.The driver assistance systems donot relieve the driver from fullresponsibility for vehicleoperation.Lane departure warningThe lane departure warning systemobserves the lane markings betweenwhich the vehicle is driving via a frontcamera. The system detects lanechanges and warns the driver in theevent of an unintended lane changevia visual and acoustic signals.Criteria for the detection of anunintended lane change are:■ no operation of turn signals■ no brake pedal operation■ no active accelerator operation orspeeding-up■ no active steeringIf the driver is active, no warning willbe issued.ActivationThe lane departure warning system isactivated by pressing the ) button.The illuminated LED in the buttonindicates that the system is switched