Climate control 147Demisting and defrosting thewindows V■ Press button V: fan automaticallyswitches to higher speed, the airdistribution is directed towards thewindscreen.■ Switch cooling n on.■ Set temperature control to warmestlevel.■ Switch on heated rear window Ü.■ Open side air vents as required anddirect them towards the doorwindows.NoteIf the V button is pressed while theengine is running, an Autostop willbe inhibited until the V button ispressed again.If the V button is pressed while theengine is in an Autostop, the enginewill restart automatically.Electronic climate controlsystemThe dual zone climate control allowsdifferent climatisation temperaturesfor driver and front passenger side.Controls for:■ Temperature on driver side■ Air distribution■ Fan speed■ Temperature on front passengersiden = coolingAUTO = automatic mode4 = manual air recirculationV = demisting and defrostingHeated rear window Ü 3 32, Heatedseats ß 3 43, Heated steering wheel* 3 95.The preselected temperature isautomatically regulated. In theautomatic mode the fan speed and airdistribution automatically regulate theair flow.The system can be manually adaptedvia the use of air distribution and airflow controls.