Driving and operating 177By pressing button m to activatecruise control or adaptive cruisecontrol or by switching off the ignition,speed limiter is also deactivated andthe stored speed is deleted.Adaptive cruise controlAdaptive cruise control is anenhancement to traditional cruisecontrol with the additional feature ofmaintaining a certain distance behindthe vehicle ahead.Adaptive cruise control automaticallydecelerates the vehicle whenapproaching a slower moving vehicle.It then adjusts the vehicle speed tofollow the vehicle ahead at theselected following distance. Thevehicle speed increases or decreasesto follow the vehicle in front, but willnot exceed the set speed. It mayapply limited braking with activatedbrake lights.The adaptive cruise control can storeand maintain speeds over approx.30 mph and brakes automatically tofollow a slower vehicle driving aheaddown to a minimum speed of18 mph.Adaptive cruise control uses a radarsensor to detect the vehicles ahead.If no vehicle is detected in the drivingpath, the adaptive cruise control willbehave like a traditional cruisecontrol.For safety reasons, the systemcannot be activated before the brakepedal has been depressed once afterswitching on ignition. Activation in firstgear is not possible.Adaptive cruise control is mainlyadvised to be used on long straightroads like highways or country roadswith steady traffic. Do not use thesystem if it is not advisable tomaintain a constant speed.Control indicator A 3 113, m 3 113.9 WarningThe complete driver attention isalways required while driving withadaptive cruise control. The driverstays fully in control of the vehiclebecause the brake pedal, theaccelerator pedal and the cancelswitch have priority over anyadaptive cruise control operation.Switching onPress button C to switch on adaptivecruise control. The control indicatorm illuminates white.