170 Driving and operatingDynamic braking when vehicle ismovingWhen the vehicle is moving and theswitch m is kept pulled, the electricalparking brake system will deceleratethe vehicle, but will not applystatically.As soon as the switch m is released,dynamic braking will be stopped.FaultFailure mode of electrical parkingbrake is indicated by control indicatorj and by a code number or a vehiclemessage which is displayed in theDriver Information Centre (DIC).Vehicle messages 3 120.Apply electrical parking brake: pulland hold switch m for more than5 seconds. If control indicator milluminates, electrical parking brake isapplied.Release electrical parking brake:push and hold switch m for more than2 seconds. If control indicator mextinguishes, electrical parking brakeis released.Control indicator m flashes: electricalparking brake is not fully applied orreleased. When continuouslyflashing, release electrical parkingbrake and retry applying.Brake assistIf the brake pedal is depressedquickly and forcefully, maximumbrake force is automatically applied(full braking).Maintain steady pressure on thebrake pedal for as long as full brakingis required. Maximum brake force isautomatically reduced when thebrake pedal is released.Hill start assistThe system helps prevent unintendedmovement when driving away oninclines.When releasing the foot brake afterstopping on an incline, the brakesremain on for a further two seconds.The brakes release automatically assoon as the vehicle begins toaccelerate.The hill start assist is not active duringan Autostop.