Driving and operating 171Ride control systemsTraction Control systemThe Traction Control system (TC) is acomponent of the Electronic StabilityControl.TC improves driving stability whennecessary, regardless of the type ofroad surface or tyre grip, bypreventing the drive wheels fromspinning.As soon as the drive wheels starts tospin, engine output is reduced andthe wheel spinning the most is brakedindividually. This considerablyimproves the driving stability of thevehicle on slippery road surfaces.TC is operational as soon as thecontrol indicator b extinguishes.When TC is active b flashes.9 WarningDo not let this special safetyfeature tempt you into taking riskswhen driving.Adapt speed to the roadconditions.Control indicator b 3 111.DeactivationTC can be switched off when spinningof drive wheels is required: pressbutton b briefly.Control indicator k illuminates.TC is reactivated by pressing the bbutton again.TC is also reactivated the next timethe ignition is switched on.Electronic Stability ControlElectronic Stability Control (ESC)improves driving stability whennecessary, regardless of the type ofroad surface or tyre grip. It alsoprevents the drive wheels fromspinning.As soon as the vehicle starts toswerve (understeer/oversteer),engine output is reduced and thewheels are braked individually. Thisconsiderably improves the drivingstability of the vehicle on slippery roadsurfaces.ESC is operational as soon as thecontrol indicator b extinguishes.When ESC is active b flashes.