Driving and operating 165Do not accelerate while engaging agear. Never depress the acceleratorpedal and brake pedal at the sametime.When a gear is engaged, the vehicleslowly begins to creep when thebrake is released.Engine brakingTo utilise the engine braking effect,select a lower gear in good time whendriving downhill, see manual mode.Rocking the vehicleRocking the vehicle is onlypermissible if the vehicle is stuck insand, mud or snow. Move the selectorlever between D and R in a repeatpattern. Do not race the engine andavoid sudden acceleration.ParkingApply the parking brake and engageP.The ignition key can only be removedwhen the selector lever is in positionP.Manual modeMove selector lever out of position Dtowards the left and then forwards orbackwards.< = Shift to a higher gear.] = Shift to a lower gear.If a higher gear is selected whenvehicle speed is too low, or a lowergear when vehicle speed is too high,the shift is not executed. This cancause a message in theDriver-Info-Display.In manual mode no automatic shiftingto a higher gear takes place at highengine revolutions.Electronic drivingprogrammes■ Following a cold start, the operatingtemperature programme increasesengine speed to quickly bring thecatalytic converter to the requiredtemperature.■ The automatic neutral shift functionautomatically shifts gear to idlingwhen the vehicle is stopped with aforward gear engaged and thebrake pedal is pressed.■ When SPORT mode is engaged,the vehicle shifts at higher enginespeeds (unless cruise control ison). SPORT mode 3 172.