I/O Modules • 161OverviewWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IPInstance 1..255 (0. to 254. Modul)Attribute ID Access Name Data type Description Defaultvalue1 Get ModulDescription WORDDescription of the connectedmodules(module 0 = coupler/)Bit 0: Module has inputsBit 1: Module has outputsBit 8-14: Internal data width in bitBit 15: 0/1 Analog/digital moduleAt analog modules designate bits0-14 the type of the moduledisplayed (e.g., 401 for the module750-401).-Common ServicesService availableService code Class InstanceServiceName Description0E hex yes yes Get_Attribute_SingleSupplies contents of the appropriate attribute4. Module configuration Extended (81 hex)Same as the Module Configuration Class (80 hex ), however this class onlycontains the description of module 255.5 I/O Modules5.1 OverviewAll listed bus modules, in the overview below, are available for modularapplications with the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750.For detailed information on the I/O modules and the module variations, pleaserefer to the manuals for the I/O modules.You will find these manuals on CD ROM „ELECTRONICC Tools and Docs“(Item-no.: 0888-0412) or on the web pages:www.wago.com Æ Service Æ Download Æ Documentation.More InformationCurrent information on the modular WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM is available in theInternet under:www.wago.com5.1.1 Digital Input ModulesDI DC 5 V750-414 4 Channel, DC 5 V, 0.2 ms, 2- to 3-conductor connection,high-side switchingDI DC 5(12) V