222 • Use in Hazardous EnvironmentsWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IP7.6 Installation regulationsIn the Federal Republic of Germany, various national regulations for theinstallation in explosive areas must be taken into consideration. The basisbeing the ElexV complemented by the installation regulation DIN VDE0165/2.91. The following are excerpts from additional VDE regulations:DIN VDE 0100 Installation in power plants with rated voltages up to1000 VDIN VDE 0101 Installation in power plants with rated voltages above1 kVDIN VDE 0800 Installation and operation in telecommunication plantsincluding information processing equipmentDIN VDE 0185 lightning protection systemsThe USA and Canada have their own regulations. The following are excerptsfrom these regulations:NFPA 70 National Electrical Code Art. 500 Hazardous LocationsANSI/ISA-RP12.6-1987Recommended PracticeC22.1 Canadian Electrical Code