Fieldbus Coupler 750-341 • 51Data ExchangeWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IPused for the data access an object model. The addressing of the data is in eachcase different thereby very. Memory areas22 I O11Programmable Fieldbus Controllermemory areafor input datainputmodulesmemory areafor output datafieldbusmasterI/O modulesword 1276word 1531word 0word 255word 256word 511word 1276word 1531word 1275word 512word 0word 255word 256reservedword 511word 512word 1275inputmodulesoutputmodulesoutputmodulesreservedreservedreservedFig. 3.1-6: Memory areas and data exchange for a fieldbus coupler g015056eThe coupler's process image contains the physical data of the I/O modules inmemory words 0 to 255 and 512 to 1275.(1) The input module data can be read from the fieldbus side.(2) In the same manner, writing on the output modules is possible from thefieldbus side.In addition, all output data of the ETHERNET TCP/IP coupler are mirrorimaged on a storage area with the address offset 0x0200 or 0x1000. Thisallows to read output values back by adding 0x0200 or 0x1000 to theMODBUS address.