70Maintenance Instructions CHECKING/SERVICINGBlade Brake ActionWARNINGIt is important to check and maintain bladebrake action for safe operation of the ma-chine.Check the function of the cutter blade brake (andblower brake on GHS models) by engaging theblade clutch (PTO), operating the engine at fullthrottle, then disengaging the clutch and measuringhow quickly the blades stop. Watch the rotation ofthe blade drive shaft and blower pulley as a visualindication that movement has stopped. If the brakeis working properly, all rotation will stop five (5)seconds after disengagement of the clutch. If thebrake system malfunctions - blades do not stop infive (5) seconds - adjust or repair the brake beforeoperating the mower. Contact your Walker dealerfor this service or refer to the Walker Service Manual.PTO U-JointsThe PTO U-joints should be inspected yearly forlooseness and wear. If either is noticed, the respec-tive shaft or tube should be replaced. A worn U-jointcan cause vibration and extensive damage to thePTO and the whole machine.Safety Switch SystemWARNINGIt is important to check and maintain thesafety switch system for safe operation ofthe machine.There are three (3) safety interlock switches on thetractor; Seat Switch, FSC Neutral - Park Switch, andPTO Switch.NOTE: There is a 1/2 second time delay function onthe seat switch to avoid engine power interruptionwhen driving over bumps.If any of the following conditions occur during start-ing or operating, a safety interlock switch may bemalfunctioning. Contact your Walker dealer for trou-bleshooting and/or replacement.• With or without an operator in the seat, the enginestarts with the Forward Speed Control (FSC) and/orthe PTO engaged.• With an operator in the seat, the engine starts butdies soon after the Forward Speed Control (FSC) orPTO is engaged.• Without an operator in the seat, the engine startsand continues to run with the Forward Speed Control(FSC) and/or PTO engaged.• With an operator in the seat, the Forward SpeedControl (FSC) and PTO disengaged and panel hornsounding, the starter will not engage.Forward Speed Control Friction LockThe FSC friction lock is designed to hold the se-lected forward travel speed when the steering le-vers are moved and yet the friction is not too heavyto make moving the FSC control difficult (too muchfriction). The procedure for checking the FSC fric-tion lock is as follows:1. Place the FSC in the full FORWARD positionand pull both steering levers back; the FSC le-ver should not move. If the FSC lever movesback when the steering levers are pulled back,the friction needs to be increased.2. With the steering levers held back, move theFSC lever back from the FORWARD position.With a proper amount of friction adjusted, theFSC lever should move back with a slightamount of resistance (friction). If the FSC levermovement is “stiff”, the friction needs to bedecreased.If the FSC friction lock needs to be adjusted, contactyour Walker dealer or refer to the Walker ServiceManual.