September 2001 88XX Series Folder Operator Manual 19Cross Programs SubmenuUse this submenu to select the cross folding options.1. Go to the “Cross Programs” submenuin the Numeric Control Panel in the Alphanumeric Control Panelu OPERATORU2 CROSS PROGRAMS2. The default option is shown :in the Numeric Control Panel in the Alphanumeric Control Panelu 2 0 2 STANDARDLower right dot flashing3. Use the scroll key to select the desired option and press “Enter” toselect it.With selecting “STANDARD” [ u2.01 ], for example,an E size print (36”x48”) with a program 8.5”x11” willbe folded with an output dimension 8.5”x11”. The lengthof each panel (b) is not equal.The same print could be folded with the same fanprogram with the option “EQUAL” [ u2.02 ] becausethe folder automatically divides the width of the print toobtain equal panels.The purpose of the “EQUAL” option is to obtain a folded printmore flat and folded with one less cross fold. That is why it does notwork with all sizes and styles. Only when a few millimeters of thecross folding depth is modified, is it possible to obtain a folded printwithout prefolds. The “EQUAL” option does not produce resultswith Ericsson, Afnor, French and Wallets program (some of thesestyles already have an output equal). Besides, it is possible to foldequal panels only with some kind of paper rolls.ROLL UNI/DIN fold depth ANSI/ARCH fold depth914 (36”) 305 305900 300 300864 297 288610 305 305Selecting “CROSS OFF” [ u2.03 ] willbypass the Cross Folder. The print will be fanfolded only and stacked in the Rear PrintTray.To activate the cross folder after a “CrossOff” selection, select one of the two options:“Standard” or “Equal”.4. Select EXIT [ u2.00 ] to rise one level.Crossprograms u 2Exit u 2.00Equal u 2.01Standard u 2.02Crossoff u 2.0311,3” - 12”11”6-7”