September 2001 88XX Series Folder Operator Manual 32AccXES Client ToolsSometimes the document exits the printer with a different orientationfrom the orientation on the screen.Using this procedure, is possible to understand how the nativeapplication produces the print files and creates files that respect thedesired orientation.How to organize the jobsWhen using the ACT, the operator has to manage lots of files. That iswhy it is important for the operator to have the files named so that somefinishing information is easy to understand from the file names withouthaving to open the files to view the image orientation.People who print the files from the document native application, couldsupply all the necessary informations in the file name.For example if the document is an A1 size Landscape with Title Blockin the Lower Right corner:A1 SIZELANDSCAPEThe file name could be:“DOCUMENT NAME - A1 LANDSCAPE LOWER RIGHT.XXX”or shortened“DOCUMENT NAME-A1 LAND LR.XXX”This way the operator with the ACT can set all the finishingrequirements simply by looking at the file name.Consider that sometimes the orientation on the screen does notcorrespond to the orientation of the file printed. Refer to the “How toRecognize Title Block and Document Orientation” paragraph tounderstand how your application produces the files. Then supply theoriginal orientation with the original position of the Title Block.Face Up or Down - advantages and disadvantagesA print job could be folded and stacked Face Up or Down depending onthe operator choice. These two selections have advantages anddisadvantages:Face Up:− Higher folding quality.− Visible Title Block in the folded print basket.− Need to reverse print order to obtain the job sorted correctly.Face Down:− Folded package Full Back and Full Front (no prefold in the end).− Not visible Title Block in the folded print basket.− No need to reverse the print order.