September 2001 88XX Series Folder Operator Manual 29− Select the Sort Bin where the folded print must be stacked. Theselection “default” lets the folder use the setting defined in theStacker Submenu, which is in the folder control panel.− Choose the Title Block location.Select the location of the title block as it appears in the documentthat you have on the screen.5. Click the “OK” button and print the document.Using the ScannerThis procedure considers a standard A1/D size, without scalemodification or other scanner options. Refer to the “XES Synergix8825/8830/8850/8855 Digital Solution User Guide” for more details onScanner usage.1. Get the A1 ISO document.2. Select mode “Copier” on the Scanner Keyboard.3. Click on the “Finisher” button on the Scanner keyboard:− Choose the Fold Program.− Choose the Tab Options.− Choose the Punch Options.Always select “Use Program Settings”.If the punching option is present, it must be selected on the foldercontrol panel. See Punching Submenu.− Margin OptionAlways select “Use Program Settings”. The binding margindepends on the folding program selected.− Cross Fold OptionSelect “Always Off” to deactivate the cross folder. Select “UseProgram Settings” to activate the cross folder.− Punch OptionTo activate the punching, choose a program with margin(185+25, 190+20, 7.5+1) and select “Always On”. Select“Always Off” to deactivate the punching.