Administration PageXerox® Wireless Print Solutions AdapterUser Guide405. Locate, then double-click the certificate.Notes:• If you select SSL authority, RSA, or DSA certificates, for New Certificate Type, select PEM orPKCS7.• Ensure that the certificate is formatted properly with a valid open and close tag.• Ensure that the Private Key is associated to the selected certificate and that it is formattedproperly with a valid open and close tag.6. Click Submit.Approaches for Uploading Authority Certificates• You can upload multiple root authority or self-signed certificates. If you have two root authoritycertificates, then they will appear in the user interface as two trusted authority certificates withdifferent common names.• You can upload a root authority certificate with a chain of intermediate authority certificates signedby a Root Certificate Authority or by an intermediate Certificate Authority in a hierarchy. For example:Root CA > Intermediate CA1, issued by Root CA > Intermediate CA2, issued by Intermediate CA1.Default CredentialThe Wireless Print Solutions Adapter uses a device SSL credential for IPPS. This credential can be usedwherever an SSL credential is required, such as HTTPS.The device credential is created on the first boot and recreated after a factory reset. The Device host nameis used as the CN attribute of the certificate. The credential is regenerated if the host name changes.SyslogThe System Log (Syslog) provides information that shows the current configuration and statistics of theSyslog. You can configure the Syslog Host and set the severity level for events to log.Note: The system log is saved to local storage, but it is not retained through reboots unless diagnosticslogging to the file system is enabled. To allow the administrator to save the complete system log, savethe system log to a server that supports remote logging services. For details, refer to RFC 3164. Thedefault port is 514.To Configure Syslog Settings1. In the Web Manager, click the Administration tab.2. Click Syslog.3. To enable Syslog, for State, select Enabled.4. For Host, type the IP address of the remote server that stores the logs.CAUTION: If you delete the device credential, SSH/TLS become unavailable.